We believe that
the Bible is the Word of God. It is the only written
revelation of God to men. Holy men were inspired by
the Holy Spirit and wrote as He led. Thus, it is verbally
inspired, in-errant in the original, preserved from
error from generation to generation by the Holy Spirit.
It is the rule for faith and practice for today.
We believe that God is One and exists in three Persons
from eternity to eternity. Each of the three: Father,
Son and Holy Spirit are one in purpose, love and glory.
We believe that the first Person of the Godhead is
God the Father. He is a Spirit. He is holy, just and
righteous. He is also love and mercy. He sent His
only begotten Son to be the Savior of the World.
We believe the second Person of the Godhead is the
Son, that He was with the Father and Holy Spirit from
all eternity. He is the Creator and Sustainer of life.
He, by the will of the Father, has pre-eminence in
all things. He became incarnate in human flesh and
was born of the Virgin Mary. His name is Jesus. He
is the Messiah, the fulfillment of the Old Testament
prophecies. He lived a perfect sinless life on earth,
performed miracles and revealed the Father to those
who chose to believe. He became sin for us and died,
was buried, and rose again according to the Scriptures.
He ascended into Heaven, is our High Priest, and our
Mediator now. HE will return someday to receive all
Believers to Himself and we shall be with Him forever.
We believe that the third Person of the Godhead is
the Holy Spirit. He, too, is eternal. He worked in
the lives of people in the Old Testament. Jesus gave
Him to the church at Pentecost. He dwells in every
believer to empower, to teach, to guide, to protect,
to bear witness to us that we are Gods children,
to pray for us, to bear His fruit in our lives. He
convicts the world of sin. He is the only One who
brings people to Salvation. He points all who will
hear to Christ.
We believe that God created the world, that Adam
and Eve sinned, and that the people and the world
suffer the consequences of that act. God will one
day create a new heaven and earth without sin, where
believers in Jesus Christ will live in Gods
presence forever.
We believe that we cannot save ourselves. Salvation
is made possible through the atoning death and resurrection
of Jesus Christ. We receive Salvation by asking for
it. It is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
It cannot be earned or worked for. It is a gift. When
we receive Jesus, we are born again and become members
of Gods family. We are babes in Christ and need
to grow up and mature by study of the Bible, exercising
our faith in the power of the Holy Spirit, and learning
to trust our Lord.