Every choice we make now to sin is for that same reason: we want to do things our own way. Before we accept God’s offer of Salvation through His Son Jesus, we spend our lives being consumed with that one goal: to be “happy” in our own little world, devoid of God and obedience to His Word. It is nearly impossible for the unbeliever to understand that to trust in God’s way to salvation (through the Cross of Jesus) is the only thing that brings supreme joy and contentment, because it is then – and only then – that we will enjoy being in His presence!
The recollection of my own earthly role model of the “mother” parent is rather dim and distorted. When I was barely six years old, my mother finally had had enough of my father’s physical and emotional abuse. She packed her bags, as I clung to her knees, sobbing, “Don’t go, Mama! Don’t go!” She left, taking with her my younger sister and an older sister who was severely disabled. I did not see her again for nearly ten years.
My older sister, barely a teenager herself, had to step into the “mother” role for my six siblings and me. I am sure none of us children could comprehend at the time why she was leaving us alone to endure Dad’s wrathful rages. Many years later, after Jesus got hold of my heart, He helped me to have compassion for her own suffering, which in turn enabled me to forgive her. Mom needed to leave – for her own safety and sanity.
Surely, it must have broken her heart to have to leave any of us behind, especially in that toxic environment. When I reconnected with her years later, I knew her to be a kind, warm-hearted, often humorous woman who loved Jesus and I am looking forward to an eternity with her in heaven!
As a parent, she made human choices as best as she could. Could she have done differently? Perhaps. I often wondered, why didn’t God put me in a loving, kind, happy “perfect” home? One answer comes to me through God’s Word. Jesus wept over Jerusalem,
“Jerusalem, Jerusalem...How often I wanted to gather your children together, just as a hen gathers her young under her wings, and you were unwilling!” (Luke 13:34)
The choice is ours, as humans, to come to Jesus, to allow Him to wrap His arms around us, to teach us to be the parent He desires us to be. Jesus longs to gather us, but when we are unwilling to submit, HE will not force Himself upon us. And we suffer the consequences – or cause others to do so – of our own selfish choices.
"Grace is the face that God wears when He looks at my failures."
When I became a mother, I endeavored never to let my child think that I would ever abandon her. Was I then a perfect mother? No, not by a long shot! I mostly tried as best as I could, but I often made mistakes and selfish choices! I raised her to trust in Jesus, but she turned from that path and is now the “prodigal” that needs much prayer. I firmly believe she will one day wake up from living in the pigpen of the world and come back to our Perfect Parent, who is compassionately longing for her return.
So there you have it: I did not have perfect parents. I suspect many of you readers did not, either, but if you did, I am sure you are so very grateful! I have not been a perfect parent, either, but I know WHO is! Our God has the perfect maternal-heart for His children!
“As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you…” (Isaiah 66:13)
He longs for all of His children to be reconciled to Himself. He is not willing for any of us to perish, but to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
Perhaps not having perfect parents, or being perfect parents is what propels us toward God, and it will fulfill that inner longing we ALL have: to be enfolded in the love of a mother which God Himself built into His children.
May your Mother’s Day recollections of your parents and your children be filled with the perfect love of God, our perfect Parent.
In His love,
P.S. Please continue to Pray with us for our Eastern European brothers and sisters.
Our beloved family in Ukraine writes:
“Your letter is very encouraging. In fact, it is very difficult not to panic and not to succumb to the general chaos and decline. But we understand that firm faith and trust in our God is our strength. We cannot despair, because we are watched by many people who are waiting for support: both in the church and outside the church - our friends, neighbors, co-workers.
Yes, indeed, our neighbors have begun to withdraw troops from our borders, and that makes us happy. But when we watch television, many political experts say we don't know what the next step our neighbor might take. He is very cunning and unpredictable. Many say that this fall can be very dangerous.
We have another good news: anti-epidemic measures have been weakened in our city... Almost all shops and offices are starting to work. From next week, children will start school.
So, we start planning summer children's and youth camps. We will also be able to work more effectively in the Children's Care Center.
Once again, we are very grateful to you for everything - especially for words of support in difficult times - it is very important. We greatly appreciate your devotion and dedication.
We often remember Grandma Hansi's words that God reveals only one step to us so that Satan does not know about God's plans and does not oppose them. So we learn to trust God and take one step at a time.
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To read the newsletter from the Ukraine Children's Center, click here.
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